Mobile Phone Symbiosis - Optio

The objective of this project is to design artefacts that connect to your mobile phone in a symbiotic relationship.
This Project was carried out in a group of five, I was the designated group leader of the project
- Myself
- Hamish Allison
- Simon Wrey
- Jacob Turner
- Lucie Firth
We frist came up with a number of initial concepts related to mobile phones and desplayed these through basic sketches.
Our chosen mobile phone brand was LG, using Windows 7 OS.
We are in no way affiliated with LG.
Moodboard - By myself, depicts things related to mobile phones
Mindmap 1
Mindmap 2
Existing mobile phone products
Minimalism - chosen design style by Simon Wrey
Chosen Brand - Hamish Allison
Existing Products for the Blind
Persona - Original draft by Lucie Firth, poster by myself
Initial Sketch of Blind Stick
Cane Research - by myself
Storyboard of Persona Problems - by Hamish Allison
Old V New
User Guide - By myself
Logo - by Simon Wrey
Poster - by Jacob Turner
Case/Handle - Final Draft of Product created by myself
Adjustment Connector - Final Draft of Product created by myself
Final Design - Final Draft of Product created by myself
Prototype - group collaboration
Self-Assessment: Mobile Phone Symbiosis
Optio – White Cane for the blind

Learning goals for competencies development:
The objective of this project is to design artefacts that connect to your mobile phone in a symbiotic relationship.
User Focus, Usability & Usefulness
At the beginning of the project we began to look into a different type of persona, a young business man who liked gadgets and new technology. We found that this persona gave too wide a range of possibilities for products and that the persona needed to be more specific. We decided upon a young male, which is used to using his smartphone but has poor vision that is rapidly deteriorating. This allowed us to focus on a more specific product area, ways in which we could benefit the blind using a mobile phone. I feel that our final product successfully carries out its purpose, allowing blind smartphone users to navigate independently and use their phone for calls with ease.
Market & Business:
I feel that we carried out enough research on the chosen product area; we managed to find information on the existing types of white canes and use the knowledge to our advantage by keeping the required features of canes for the blind. The research carried out by other members of the group discovered that others have looked into more advanced canes for the blind. These devices however had no connection to a mobile phone as our design did.
Mixed & Integrating Perspective:
As team leader for the project I feel I managed the workload quite well, despite the rush to complete the prototype in the last week. The role of group leader was to help keep the team on track with the workload, ensure the work is completed in time to a good standard and suitably arrange the group meetings. I think that the way the group contacted each other was efficient, a Facebook group was set up early on in the project and we were able to effectively contact each other without any trouble. We had several meetings throughout to keep the project on track, perhaps there could have been several more but I don’t feel that there would have been much more progress, finding time for the group meetings was sometimes difficult with prior commitments arising. The group seemed comfortable carrying on with the workload in their free time which was then shared with one another on Facebook upon completion; I believe this worked very well.
Modelling, Visualisation & Communication:
I feel that the group was able to communicate ideas to each other very well. Original product ideas were well thought of and well presented to each other. Once the product area was defined after the persona had been established we were able to create specific concepts to evaluate between each of us, deciding as a group upon the final concept. We each contributed to the visualisation, communication and modelling of the product individually, as well as together in creating the prototype, which I enjoyed and feel it has helped me improve on my model making skills.
Design Method & Practice:
The concept we created fit in extremely well with user, being fit for purpose. Redesigning an existing product in a new way was very interesting, incorporating aspects of the original into a modernised improved version.
The workload was managed in a way so that everyone had different tasks to complete, this allowed each group member to choose what they wanted to contribute towards the project. I felt happy with this method as I was able to improve upon the different aspects, using knowledge gained from others in the past project and applying it to our concept. The main tools I used were Photoshop and Solidworks which I have definitely improved upon having completed the work.
Self Assessment & Criticism:
I personally feel that the mobile phone symbiosis project went extremely well. I feel that the group was able to come together and create a successful concept for a product that fit the brief. I felt that everyone made a good contribution and all carried out their own tasks very well. I feel that I have made a significant improvement since the last project, contributing towards the workload much more and being involved with the development and the final presentation of the project. I feel that having spent time on the project has helped me improve upon my CAD skills as well as the way in which I present my work. My confidence has improved by through sharing ideas with others as well as my confidence presenting on a whole.
I felt that I managed to grasp the brief much better than I have done in past projects and that the improvements I have made will steadily increase as I carry out more group projects in the future.
Mobile Phone Symbiosis - Optio

Mobile Phone Symbiosis - Optio

The objective of this project is to design artefacts that connect to your mobile phone in a symbiotic relationship. Our product has been create Read More
